Valentin Tureanu, MD
Luminita Tureanu, MD
Adrian Tarla


      AcuTempo is the online program designed to help the acupuncture practitioner in his/her everyday practice.
      Why AcuTempo? Because time is precious for both the practitioner and patient and calculating the open points can be quite troublesome and time-consuming. Now, with AcuTempo time is on your side. No more calculations needed! You are able to know every day, hour or minute which points are open. You can choose the open points with the patient in your office, check which points are open on his/her next appointment or schedule an appointment when you know certain points of interest for his/her condition are open. You may enter your own date and time or click Reset to go to the present time of your computer-clock if needed. By a click of your mouse you can find the open points in seconds and effectively broaden the selection of points while giving an edge to your prescription. The only skill required is your ability to identify the symptoms/patterns and make the right diagnosis.
      Furthermore, when you click on a point, a window opens, which contains the text description of the anatomic location, indications and puncture method, accompanied by an illustration for each point.
      AcuTempo is conceived to serve as a complementary therapeutic tool. While this program wishes to expand the prescription options to choose from, it is not intended to be a substitute for acupuncture resources, nor it is thought to be an exhaustive reference of the most-used points.
      Enhance your practice with AcuTempo and bring it into the Internet age!

Program Highlights:

  • Online format
  • Exceptional ease of use and navigation
  • Effortless calculation of open points at any given time
  • Over 500 extraordinary, miscellaneous and microsystems points connected to an index of symptoms
  • Easy access, by category of classification to over 160 important points of the principal meridians
  • Standard nomenclature of points (WHO endorsed)
  • Text description of anatomic location, indications and puncture method accompanied by illustrations for each point

      AcuTempo is structured into two major components. The calculation site displays the points open in connection with the user's computer-clock, every minute, hour, month, day and year, calculated for one hundred years (until 2100). A selection of useful points comprising 530 extraordinary, miscellaneous and microsystems' (the face, nose, ear, hand and foot) points together with over 160 important points of the principal meridians grouped by category of classification is provided for convenience.

Open Points

      The basis for the calculation of date and time in ancient China was the cycle of 60. In this cycle, what are called 10 Stems and 12 Branches are matched together. The term Stem refers to the cyclic variations (circadian rhythms) that apply to the evolution of all natural phenomena, biologic ones included. The 12 Branches are the time units and each defines a two-hour period during the day. They also indicate the lunar months. For each Stem and Branch there is a well-established correspondence with the Five Elements and their belonging to either Yin or Yang. As such, the Stems and the Branches are associated with the Yin and Yang interdependence and the waxing and waning of the circulation of Qi and blood in the meridians. One should recall that the circulation of Qi starts in the Gall Bladder meridian at 23hours and that there is a two-hour period of waxing of Qi circulation for each principal meridian. Various methods are used to calculate the open points, which are based on the cycle of 60 and the different combinations of the Stems and Branches.

  • The Zi Wu Liu Zhu method uses the Five Shu points and several options to choose from are provided based on different rationales:
    • Open Shu points are generated based on the interrelations between meridians as they result from the interpromoting cycle of the Five Elements and the provision that Qi circulation starts from GB 44
    • Each time an open Source-Yuan point is selected, adding the Luo point of the exteriorly-interiorly connected meridian will enhance the therapeutic effect. The Luo (Connecting) points are sites of convergence for the Qi of the principal meridians; therefore impairments in Qi and blood circulation can be treated accordingly.
    • In case the Shu point one wishes to use is not open at a certain time, applying the Five Elements interpromoting cycle to the two-hour period of waxing Qi and starting with GB 44 every 24 minutes another open Shu point is generated. When extended to the two-hour waxing time of all 12 principal meridians, this rationale provides 60 open points every day. Consequently, some points are open almost always, which gives more flexibility to open points selection.
    • Selecting points from the same group. According to ancient stipulations, every two Stems and Branches in a particular order belong to the same group. As such, when at a given date and time no point is open, one can use points that are open on the day and time belonging to the same group. Using points from the same group expands the selection options.
    • Selecting points from the Partner day. In case the point you want to use is closed because his open time has just passed, points open in the Partner day can be used. The rationale is that Stems are coupled together in pairs at an interval of five. The corresponding type of days are said to be partners. For example, what is your option if you want to use SI 1 but its time (15-17 hours) has just passed? Small Intestine belongs to Fire and so does the Heart as they are exteriorly-interiorly related. So HT 4 can be used for SI 1, which is opened in the partner day at 17-19 hours, since HT 4 is the Shu point belonging to Fire.
    • In the two-hour period of waxing activity in each principal meridian, any point of the meridian can be selected or points can be selected, based on the Mother-Son rule. The Mother and Son rule applies to the flow of Qi: every meridian that gives away energy is called the "Mother" and every meridian that receives energy is called the "Son". The "Mother" is tonified and the "Son" is reduced. Points can be selected from the meridian involved or from meridians generated from the interpromoting cycle.
  • The Ling Gui Ba Fa method uses the eight Confluential points, which are the Command points of the extraordinary channels and are said to rule over the 66 Shu points. These points should be used in pairs: KI 6 with LU 7, SP 4 with PC 6, BL 62 with SI 3 and TE 5 with GB 41. The Confluential points are sought to be very effective for a large variety of diseases; however their indications are limited.
  • The Fei Teng Ba Fa method uses the eight Confluential points as well, however a different rationale for the selection of open points is used.
  • The "Husband and Wife" method. According to this method, points named "source" points are selected in pairs (but only half of them are in fact Source-Yuan points of the Yang meridians, those for Yin meridians are actually either Luo or Xi points). The Source points of the Yang meridians are called "Husband" points and the "source" points of the Yin meridians are called "Wife" points. Based on Stems combined together at an interval of five and the corresponding Five Element, open points are selected. Depending on the day and time division belonging to Yin or Yang, either the "Husband" or the "Wife" point is the principal point and should be stimulated first. As a reminder, this rationale is totally different from the Husband and Wife rule of the organs coupled at the wrist pulses!
      The same techniques to stimulate the points should be used, however when adding open points one should stimulate them first.
Useful Points - selection

      The second part has two components:

  • A drop-down list of 277 symptoms/diseases (Western medical terminology). For each symptom/disease a variable number of points is presented, a selection of over 530 extraordinary, miscellaneous and microsystems' (the face, nose, ear, hand and foot) points in total. While most of the points have been selected for their specific indications, some are listed as useful associations, hence expanding the number of options to choose from. Their only purpose is to give the practitioner convenient access to pertinent information about points of interest for a certain symptom/disease, with no intention what so ever to be a therapeutic prescription by themselves.
  • Over 160 important points located on the principal meridians. For theoretical and practical considerations, they are presented according to the category of classification they belong to: Tonifying, Reducing, Five Shu, Source-Yuan, Luo, Group Luo, Back-Shu, Front-Mu, Xi, Guan, Hui, Lower He-Sea, Sky, General Reunion, Command.
    By clicking on each category a window opens and concise information about the location, function and general indications for that category is provided together with a list of points belonging to that category.

      As for all the points in AcuTempo, these points also come with the text description of the anatomic location, indication, puncture and illustration.

Energy Axis

      The animated illustration of the six energy axis is connected with your computer clock and the waxing time of each principal meridian.
      The energy axis define another relationship between the principal meridians. Same type meridians (Yang with Yang and Yin with Yin) but belonging to the upper and lower limbs are coupled together.

Consequently there are six energy axis:

  • Tai Yang: joins the Bladder and Small Intestine meridians,
  • Shao Yang: joins the Gallbladder and Three Energizers meridians,
  • Yang Ming: joins the Stomach and Large Intestine meridians,
  • Tai Yin: joins the Spleen and Lung meridians,
  • Jue Yin: joins the Liver and Pericardium meridians,
  • Shao Yin: joins the Kidney and Heart meridians.
      For the Yang axis the circulation of energy starts from the Jing-Well points of the upper limb meridians. After knotting at BL 1, TE 21 and ST 1, it continues towards the Jing-Well points of the lower limb meridians. For the Yin axis, the energy flows from the lower to the upper limbs starting with Jing-Well points as well, knotting at CV 23, CV 18 and CV 12. One should bear in mind that left untreated, any disease might undergo different stages, from affecting the Tai Yang channels through further developing and seriously affecting the related organs. The illustration serves as a reminder also that good therapeutic results are based on an in-depth approach to the patient, generating the correct diagnosis and a carefully selected prescription to adjust the energy balance and restore the circulation of Qi and blood.

      When you click on the name of each energy axis a window opens containing information regarding its function and the channels that join to form it. You can also find a rationale for selecting the treatment when a particular axis is affected by pathogenic factors. As well, a couple of useful points to restore the balance in the affected meridians are provided as an example only.

      For information about each meridian, you just have to click on the meridian's name, as it appears on the left side of the main screen. The meridian changes every two hours, as a different meridian reaches its waxing time. Information about its function and relationships with other meridians within the five elements cycle and also in forming the energy axis is presented. The characteristic symptomatology for each meridian is provided, whether it occurs when the external or internal pathway is affected and also as it belongs to either the excess or the insufficiency type. Several examples of points' selection for selected meridian pathology are provided.

      The five elements cycle's illustration is the gateway toward more detailed information about each of the five elements and its corresponding organs. When you click on the name of each element, specific information regarding the related organs, meridians and their relationships, as well as other correspondences, and particularities of the personality type, is displayed.

      When you click on an organ from the five elements cycle, information is provided about the function of the organ, main relationships with other organs, related pathology and characteristic symptoms of principal syndromes that can occur when pathologic factors affect the organ. A selection of points is suggested for each syndrome. Please be advised that this is a suggested selection only. Any therapeutic plan should be based on a thorough assessment of the patient, and individualized treatment should be provided only after the correct diagnosis is made. Any index of points or symptoms is not intended to be a "cookbook" but serves to help the busy practitioner.
System Requirements

Windows 98, ME, 2000
Internet Explorer 4+/ Netscape 4+


      Information provided on is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice that resides with a certified acupuncturist but rather to complement other existing acupuncture sources. Therefore, this site should not be used "as is " for medical diagnosis and/or treatment of any health condition.
      The user understands and accepts that the efficacy of any combination of points is variable, involving individual clinical conditions and the acupuncturist's level of expertise as major factors. There is no guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, that using the calculated open points alone will result in the cure or improvement of any medical condition, as they are supposed to be used in combination with other carefully selected points. As well, the rest of the acupuncture points contained in this site (within the "symptom/disease" drop-down list and the categories of classification) should not serve as a template for any treatment, but rather as useful association with other points in a therapeutic prescription. We strongly advise those who do not have the necessary level of expertise and qualification to avoid the usage of points located in the areas of the face and the eye, points with potentially difficult insertion or which do have certain contraindications.
      Some of the information supplied can be useful for non-specialists as well. If you are a patient looking for information regarding health matters for you or somebody you know, we strongly advice that you consult your family physician or a certified acupuncturist for advice. They are the ones who know best your condition and will be able to answer your questions.
      While every effort has been made to provide accurate information, users should be advised that typographical or technical errors may occur. We would therefore be grateful if users will notify us of any errors they find.
      The content available is for informational purposes only. does not provide any health service, therefore does not assume any liability whatsoever, declared or implied, for the information accessed and used on or through this web site no for the treatment prescribed or administered based on its content or for any consequences, direct and indirect, arising from its use and the application of any part of its content. The authors will not be liable for any damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special and consequential damages that result from the interpretation, the utilization or any other usage of the information provided herein. It is the sole responsibility of the user to exercise clinical judgment in diagnosing any medical condition and selecting on an individual basis the optimal therapeutic plan.

Medical Spheres presents AcuTempo
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